

The purpose of this section is to recommend evolutionary resources based on personal experience. In my opinion, our duty to the world requires we humans do as many of these types of things as we are capable, because there appears to be much change ahead, and we need to put ourselves in the best evolutionary position (see David Wilcock). Most of these resources cost money, and, depending on what needs doing with your situation, perhaps significant money or significant money cumulatively (although my bar for “significant” is quite low). All services mentioned have come to my assistance over the years and made life much more smooth. May you be freed of preconceptions that such services should be free...

Having this direct experience and with the goal of succinctness, abilities and results described will be treated as fact unless otherwise decided (no phrases used like “claims to,” for example). Please grant me some leeway for minor inaccuracies or incompleteness in describing others’ talents and services. Navigation bar items containing the “‡” symbol indicate those individuals with whom I have had direct contact, either in person or by phone, and these details are included. Absence of a symbol indicates no direct contact, but a recommendation is still given based on interconnectedness to the whole.

This interconnectedness has become my yardstick for judging new material from a distance—how well does this material overlap with my existing knowledge and experience? Even so, there is a common line of reasoning that an inconsistency, a flaw, or a mistake found in a body of knowledge is grounds for jettisoning it or proclaiming it invalid. I’d rather subscribe to keeping the parts that make sense; there are difficulties at the edges of knowledge with achieving perfection. Unfortunately, skeptics the world over tend to use more insidious methods, e.g. distortion, misinformation, and tactics. I’ll delve into this more on other pages, most prominently regarding TM.

Thirty-plus years ago Transcendental Meditation was arguably the most attractive path to evolve more quickly. It had a sane guru, supporting research, an in-depth philosophy in the background, a spiritual tradition in the background, and an organization, and was effortless and rapidly spreading. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of TM, seemingly had the blueprint to achieve higher consciousness with the goal of enlightening the world. In 1975, Maharishi proclaimed the “Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment” based on scientific research and rising consciousness.

It may always have been clear to him, but not to me. Although consistently meditating, I became more pessimistic about where the world was heading, what with little evolutionary progress visible in the mainstream and other priorities overshadowing the ability to look for any. There was a long span of time after those early days, during which the world events seemed continually to head in the wrong direction. But suddenly, for me, in the last couple of years, there is obvious, visible momentum for rising human consciousness. I have no doubt that Maharishi and those in the TM movement deserve much (the most?) credit, but that this momentum also, in no small measure, is due to all the other help that has been appearing on this planet, a little of which is vouched for on these pages.