

Vedic astrology on this site means Systems’ Approach Vedic Astrology as developed by Prof. V. K. Choudhry of Gurgaon, India. I recommend this system and am offering design and transcription services related to it. No one can convince anyone else of the value of anything; one must see it. Here are some advantages of Systems’ Approach and the body of knowledge Prof. Choudhry has made available to the public. It:
  • Utilizes some of the unique features of classical Vedic astrology (such as sidereal zodiac rather than movable, dashas, divisional charts, muhurta);
  • Was developed using a scientific approach (analysis of thousands of charts and study of Vedic records) to understand why predictions seemed to achieve no better than 50 percent accuracy;
  • Modifies some classical principles as a result of this research (identifying benefics/malefics and most effective point, for example);
  • Reduces the necessity of emphasis on some of the more intricate concepts in classical Vedic astrology (such as nakshatras, planetary relationships);
  • Locates weaknesses and afflictions in a chart and focuses on remedies for any less-than-ideal circumstances; and
  • Is substantiated for me through my chart’s correspondence to my life experience, and confirmed in the charts of my family members and any other professional readings I have seen.

But, while the basics of this system are very easy to grasp—that is, enough to do anyone immediate and significant good—one has to realize that any body of knowledge has increasing layers of complexity. Expertise requires much study and practical experience to comprehend the depth of this system. For example, identifying problems and solutions in a birth chart is extremely easy; interpreting significations (planets, houses, signs) not related to problems I find more complicated. I’m not an astrologer, just an interested party. Knowledgeable readers’ feedback would be wonderful—I would be very grateful for the insight of those familiar with, and/or working to clarify, Prof. Choudhry’s work.

I will attempt to expand on the many aspects of Systems’ Approach as time permits, maybe even some of the mathematics behind Vedic astrology. It is desirable to provide enough clarity for people to gain some insight into their own charts—at least enough to see this system’s value. But offering my astrological data, design, and transcription services is the initial goal. If you have already been introduced to Systems’ Approach, Introduction to Services and Services may be the sections most of use to you. If you have been introduced to a classical Vedic astrology system, Introduction and Basics is a place to get a sense of the distinctions of this system. If you are familiar with Western astrology only, have a beginning interest in astrology, or even are a skeptic, this Web site hopes to save you all the time I spent finding a reliable system; consider the low-cost Systems’ Approach Raw Data service, which will provide you with all the computer-generated chart data necessary to begin to examine your life circumstances.